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Showing articles from greenscreen tag

Warehouse balances and locations when system is down

If/when XT and greenscreen are down, you can access current inventory location, stock and C price as of 7 PM yesterday Navigate to the R drive, IT/Public.  Name of spreadsheet is whsebalances.csv.  This shortcut will open a spreadsheet that lists warehouse, part number, description, location, stock on hand, stock …

How to change greenscreen windows/tabs to open a new session instead of additional tab

To have green screen sessions open in their own window, rather than tabs complete the following steps: In green screen go to Edit>Preferences>Tab setup Uncheck new sessions in a new tab Press OK.

Checking Stock when XT/Greenscreen is unavailable

Good afternoon, We now have a way to check stock while XT/Green screen is unavailable. On the R drive in Information Technology > Public, there is now a shortcut called ‘whsbalances’. This shortcut will open a spreadsheet that lists warehouse, part number, description, location, stock on hand, stock reserved for an …

First Time Sign On Instructions

Signing into Windows 10 or 11 At the Lock Screen press CTRL + ALT + DEL In the bottom left of the screen click Other user. Enter your user name and password then hit enter Please note, the first time logging onto a PC takes a few minutes longer than usual. NOTE: If you see the below pop-up box from Gree…

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