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Outlook: Username is the name you use to log into PC/Surface/Laptop with after it.  Example is [email protected]. Password is the password you use to log into your PC/Surface/Laptop R Drive: Username is the name y ou use to log into PC/Surface/Laptop with after it. …

How to Save Username and Password for Printer Server in Credential Manager

In Windows search the word 'cred' In the results click on 'Credential Manager' Click on 'Windows Credentials' Click 'Add a Windows credential' For the Internet or network address type bbprint01 ( If you already see a "print" credential, verify it is for BBPRINT01 then simply click on edit and cha…

How to Save/Change Username and Password for R Drive in Credential Manager

In Windows search the word 'cred' In the results click on 'Credential Manager' Click on 'Windows Credentials' **  If you see BBFS01, click on the arrow button to show what is under it and click EDIT - enter your new password.  If you DON'T see BBFS01, proceed with instructions below. **  If you DON'…

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