If/when XT and greenscreen are down, you can access current inventory location, stock and C price as of 7 PM yesterday
Navigate to the R drive, IT/Public. Name of spreadsheet is whsebalances.csv. This shortcut will open a spreadsheet that lists warehouse, part number, description, location, stock on hand, stock reserved for an order and C price.
You can also find the "Emergency Sales Order Template" in the same folder so that you may record any orders you take. Instructions for using, see below....
To check stock open the shortcut, then on your keyboard press ctrl + F. This will bring up the Find and Replace dialog. On the Find tab, next to Find what: type your part number, then click find next.
This will take you to the first occurrence of the item. Take note of the warehouse, and if this is not the warehouse you want then click Find Next again. You can continue to click Find Next as many times as you like to cycle through warehouses and locations. Warehouses may be out of order, we will try to fix this in the future, but for now you can just hit Find Next to jump to the next one..
If you see a message box similar to the below, just click the Read Only button. This message just means that someone else is also looking at the spreadsheet.
You will see a yellow bar at the top of the spreadsheet. You can either click ‘Don’t show again’ or just ignore it.