On the ribbon select the Comment tab, then Highlight > Highlight
Your cursor is now a highlighter- text selected with the cursor will be highlighted
Adding Text
On the ribbon select the Home tab, then Typewriter
Now left click within the document where you would like to add text- you will have a blinking cursor, and can now type your text
Editing Text
On the ribbon select the Home tab, then Edit Text
Left click in the block of text you want to edit- the text box will be highlighted and you will have a blinking cursor- you can now edit the text
Convert to Word/Excel
On the ribbon select the Home tab, then in the Convert group select the option
you want to convert too- in this example MS Word
You can choose to convert the Whole Document, Current Page, or a Range of Pages- for this example choose Whole Document then click OK
The Save As dialog will pop-up, choose where to save your Word doc and what to name it, then click Save
A prograss bar will appear while your document is converting- once it is done your document will open in Word